Become a circus crusader this summer
Act in August and help us secure the wild animal circus ban in Britain!

We need your urgent help this month. The British Government is continuing to stall on plans to ban wild animals in circuses. We must therefore take action to secure the ban that was promised before the General Election – and our very best shot is through a new backbench bill which will be introduced by Jim Fitzpatrick MP on September 3rd.
We must do all we can to help get this bill passed. The Prime Minister has informed ADI that he considers the use of wild animals in circuses “an outdated practice” but we continue to be advised that legislation will only be introduced by Government when “parliamentary time allows”.
This is not good enough. Another year of empty promises has meant another year of suffering for the animals and we want this to be the last time it happens. Since the Government drew up the proposed legislation last year, we have seen an increase in the number of wild animal acts and the return of big cats to Britain.
Despite assurances by the circuses, we know that the animals are suffering. Our recent footage of the lions and tigers at Peter Jolly’s Circus, one of two circuses that continue to perform with wild animals in Britain, shows how the animals are not coping with their unnatural lives, pacing up and down their dismally small cages on the circus beastwagon.
These animals cannot wait for the Government to act, they need our help now!
This month, we need you to become a circus crusader and take to the streets, rally support amongst your friends and family, and spare some time to help wild animals in circuses.
Act in August and help us secure the wild animal circus ban in Britain!
- ORDER TODAY our campaign postcards for distribution, for people to send to their MPs
- Urge your MP to support the 10 Minute Rule Motion: Wild Animals in Circuses
URGENT APPEAL! Whilst we are fighting to get the ban in Britain, an ADI rescue team is in Peru, at this very moment, preparing to seize lions and other wild animals from illegal circuses, just as we did in Bolivia after the ban was won there. With your help we can bring them to safety, and freedom in the US. Please make a donation today. Thank you.
It is absolutely appalling that we live as part of a system where it’s ok to completely exploit animals for human consumption and entertainment, meanwhile these animals are so close to extinction which will eventually extinct the human race, and rightly so. Without the ethical treatment of animals, this world will never evolve, people need to start realising that very quickly.
STOP IT !!!!
Animal were Not born for humans entertainment.
Circus’ do not need animals they can be successful with very talented and gifted people to entertain us humans …
free circus animals
Stop circus!
This is just so cruel and needs to stop! Please help the wild animals.
Thank you
Please save these beautiful creatures. A world without tigers? Unthinkable!
Promises made have to be honored.
This sickens me that animals are treated so terribly. Tigers are wonderful creatures and do not deserve to be locked in some circus tent and forced to do some silly little act just for the enjoyment of humans. Its not right and its just messed up.
Ghandi said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.
We should be treating animals with the respect they deserve.
Disgraceful that any animal is allowed in a circus.
We are now in the modern era and animal abuse will not be tolerated! Animals in circuses is now taboo it is an old primitive idea of the past which is no longer accepted.
parliament haven’t got enough time!!! what a crock of s**t. Protest EVERYWHERE you see a circus.
Grow some balls, Cameron, and do the RIGHT thing for a change…..
Please help free the circus animals they need to be free in large sanctuary’s where they can run free not be caged most of there pitiful horrific lives they live now
All animals have the right to live free in a safe healthy natural environment free from imprisonment, loss of habitat, pollution, harm, abuse, torture and murder.
Animals exist for their own reasons not to be endangered to satisfy the greed of stupid barbarians and for the profit of greedy capitalists.
It’s their world too.
The exploitation, imprisonment and degradation, abuse and murder of animals in the wild, on farms, as beasts of burden, in circuses, zoos and vivisection laboratories, brutalises the perpetrators and those who witness it and leads to violence towards humans.
Violence breeds violence.
Each and every animal deserves justice in the event that their rights are abused.
Put an end to every circus. Create sanctuaries and charge people to visit animals who are injured only.
how can we in the 21st century allow such barbaric treatment of animals ????? please please do everything you can to stop this !!!!!!
Stop the horrific abuse of animals in Circuses. Ban the use of animals in circuses now
Ban All Animals from the Circus,,,Come on people Sign ,,Let’s get the Animals out of that torture Chamber,called a Circus,,, Diane Murphy. TY.
It’s time that the British Government woke up about the abuse that animals go through in a circus. Take a look at the picture would you like a pick axe at the back if your legs? Abuse to animals is wrong it has to stop. You must change the Animal Welfare Act because of all the a use in circuses to the wild animals. We have to do it NOW!
Unbelievable that we allow this to happen in the UK in 2014!
It’s time this outdated practise of using innocent animals in circuses was stopped!