Help ban traveling animal acts in Massachusetts!
There are THREE state bills in Massachusetts to end the suffering of animals in circuses.

There are THREE state bills in Massachusetts to end the suffering of animals in circuses and we need YOUR help to get them through!
Reintroduced earlier this year, HD3245/S2189/S2197 – to ban the use of elephants, big cats, primates, giraffes, and bears in traveling exhibits and shows statewide were heard in the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development Monday, July 24. ADI testified in support and it’s not too late to send in your testimony!
Here’s how you can help:
- Submit written testimony BEFORE JULY 30: email testimony to and with the subject line “Written Testimony – TACD 7/24/23”.
- Call/email your MA state legislators: urge them to support HD3245/S2189/S2197.
Fourteen Massachusetts localities have already banned traveling wild animal acts. It’s time for state action!
Together, we can end the suffering of animals in Massachusetts, but they need to hear from YOU.
Reintroduced earlier this year, HD3245/S2189/S2197 – to ban the use of elephants, big cats, primates, giraffes, and bears in traveling exhibits and shows statewide were heard in the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development Monday, July 24. This bill needs to pass.
Bills are now in the House Ways and Means Committee (2/8/24). It is not too late for Massachusetts residents to contact their legislators! Can’t let this get lost in the huge amount of bills being considered by Massachusetts representatives. It needs voices to speak up for the animals.