Join our days of action to end circus suffering
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April 16 is World Circus Day – and this year, we are asking you to use your voice to help Stop Circus Suffering in the US. ADI is not against circuses, we are against the use of animals in circuses. Circuses can, and do, thrive without animals, using just human performers, who choose to perform.
Recently Armenia became the 50th country in the world to ban wild animals in circuses. How has the US fallen so badly behind countries like Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, the Netherlands, Ireland, the UK and Mexico? It’s time to catch up.
ADI has saved hundreds of animals and in several countries, emptied every circus cage! As the cruel animal circuses have closed, human-only circuses have been able to flourish. That is something worth celebrating on World Circus Day!
In the United States, 111 jurisdictions in 34 states have taken action to restrict wild animals from traveling circuses; Hawaii, New Jersey, California, and Colorado have passed statewide bans. It is well past time that the US finally joins the almost 50 countries that now have bans on animal circuses.
Our federal bill, the Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA, H.R.5999/S.3220), to amend the Animal Welfare Act to prohibit the use of exotic and wild animals in traveling performances, continues to gather support in Congress, now with 77 co-sponsors.
Circus animals, like the Hall’s Bears, urgently need just a few minutes of your time next week on Tuesday April 19 and Thursday April 21, to help keep the momentum going! You are the voice of the animals and members of Congress must hear from you.
We need as many voices as possible across the country to contact your Representatives and Senators asking them to support the Traveling Exotic Animal & Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA HR5999/S3220) and to sign on as a co-sponsor.
Please share our alerts and social posts with friends and family and urge them to follow ADI for updates and to join the days of action on Tuesday April 19 and Thursday April 21.
Circus animals suffer every day of their lives having to live in cages and then be forced to perform. This is not acceptable and the United States needs to join the other countries that have banned these cruel circuses.