Stop Circus Suffering

Support TEAPSPA!

Talking points, sample letters and how to contact your representatives

Visit  to read the text of the bill and to view our congressional briefings.


  1. Patricia Akers · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I have protested many times before Ringling Brothers shows and actually did get a few people to turn around and leave and not going in after we showed them so many undercover pictures showing the truth. I believe circuses and side shows of any kind should be banned worldwide if we could but at least let’s get the United States to follow suit of the smarter countries who have already banned circuses. Seems like the U.S. is always last for Animal Compassion.

    1. Bobby Deaver · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      Please stop this Cruelty to these Poor Animals. It is sickening how they Exploit these Exotic Animals. Thank you-!!!

    2. Kumar N · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      Animal used for entertainment are so abused, just like those used in factory farms, fur/leather production, animal experimentation and so many other ways. This has to come to an end!

    3. K Collins · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      The U.S. seems to be last for everything.

    4. Rebecca Furr · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      You’re right. Other countries long ago banned steel jaw traps as well as other animal cruelty atrocities. There are other places that are worse..China etc. but there is no excuse for this cruelty. Call lawmakers, share the info and boycott … and maybe someday this ignorant and cruel treatment of animals will finally end.

  2. Debbie Sides · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop the capturing of beautiful animals. Stop the abuse and forcing them to perform in circuses, TV, movies or any form of entertainment. The were not put on this earth to perform stupid tricks or to be caged.

  3. Trella Laughlin · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a



  4. Trella Laughlin · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  5. jac · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    no ownership of exotic animals should be allowed We are fueling kidnapping,trauma,suffering and death of wildlife by purchasing these animals NO ANIMALS should be allowed in circus,road displays or backyard zoos The USA is NOT a leader in animal welfare We are CRUEL ! It’s an embarrassment to the world Congress has no compassion for animals .Instead the violence against animals continues and it spills into our society

    1. Anne Balderston · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      You words are powerful and true.

  6. ms · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    SHAME on US CONGRESS for turning their backs on wildlife both domestic & exotic .ALL ownership of wildlife ,except for rehab should be prohibited ALL trophy hunting in and outside of USA should be banned NO animal should be subject to zoo life,chains,performing for humans,fairs ,rodeos,breeding mills,racing(horse,dog) or fighting(dogfighting,cockfighting) theUSA is ASS BACKWARDS. we are NOT INTELLIGENT or CIVILIZED

  7. MM · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    When will animal welfare and protections finally trump exploitation and profit? Supporting TEAPSPA is a solid foundation. Be intentional about purposeful legislation ending suffering.

  8. connie stevenson · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    this is a request for help for the circus animals all of them,Elephants,Lions ,horses dogs,monkeys etc these animals do not deserve this life please contact A D I /TEAPSPA please support this effort.please ! thank you .Connie Stevenson.Branson mo.

  9. Chris Glisson · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This inhumanity must stop NOW !
    Now, NOT later !

  10. Rainee Stevens · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Dear Member of Congress,

    I am writing as a constituent concerned about the welfare of wild animals forced to perform in traveling circuses in the US. I would like to ask you to please support federal legislation to protect wild animals in circuses.

    Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from severe confinement, unavoidable because of the constraints of a difficult life of constant travel on the road. Tigers, bears, elephants and other wild animals spend hours on end either chained, in small cages, or crowded into trailers and train cars.

    A circus animal’s life of ongoing deprivation is punctuated by moments of physical violence. Investigations have documented a pattern of abusive training methods where pain, punishment and fear are employed to force these wild animals to do unnatural and silly tricks. The tools of the trade include bullhooks, whips, and electric prods which are used to hit, “hook,” and shock animals.

    Over 30 countries around the world have adopted national legislation prohibiting or restricting the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses, with hundreds of local bans in place worldwide – over 200 in the UK, and hundreds in Europe and South America, as well as Asia. I am respectfully calling on you to take a stand, with your compassionate constituents, against this abuse and work toward protecting circus animals.


    Visit to read the text of the bill and to view our congressional briefings.

  11. Debbie Sides · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I wrote a letter to my Senator and they are passing it on to Congress. I hope this suffering will end for these beautiful creatures.

  12. kelly byrnes · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Dear Member of Congress,

    I am writing as a constituent concerned about the welfare of wild animals forced to perform in traveling circuses in the US. I would like to ask you to please support federal legislation to protect wild animals in circuses.

    Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from severe confinement, unavoidable because of the constraints of a difficult life of constant travel on the road. Tigers, bears, elephants and other wild animals spend hours on end either chained, in small cages, or crowded into trailers and train cars.

    A circus animal’s life of ongoing deprivation is punctuated by moments of physical violence. Investigations have documented a pattern of abusive training methods where pain, punishment and fear are employed to force these wild animals to do unnatural and silly tricks. The tools of the trade include bullhooks, whips, and electric prods which are used to hit, “hook,” and shock animals.

    Over 30 countries around the world have adopted national legislation prohibiting or restricting the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses, with hundreds of local bans in place worldwide – over 200 in the UK, and hundreds in Europe and South America, as well as Asia. I am respectfully calling on you to take a stand, with your compassionate constituents, against this abuse and work toward protecting circus animals.


    1. Mary Ellen Tschanz · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      You must do something about this abuse! These animals need to be removed from these circuses and put into facilities that treat them with dignity and respect

  13. Rebecca · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This isn’t entertainment it is animal abuse!

  14. Miriam A. Pires · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  15. Donna Brown · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop the cruelty of these circus animals! It is not Humane! It is Cruel,Torture,Painful,Stessful!These are wild animals & do not belong to humans! Stop circuses from using exotic & wild animals in their shows. They are not performers! They are God’s creatures,enforce the law stop this abuse now!

  16. Rosemary Shaw · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    please ban all animals from being cruely used and abused in Circus,s ,they are humiliated and beaten just to make money.

  17. Claire Prevost · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  18. ARMANDI · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    On doit arrêter les animaux dans les cirques c’est une honte de les traiter ainsi

  19. Patricia McCaskill · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    To enslave and continually abuse other species for the sake of money is despicable and inexcusable. Other countries have passed legislation to stop this sort of thing. It is far overdue for the U.S. We must step in and stop these terrible situations.

  20. Julia moore · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Nothing but unessessery needless shamful cruelty and all for greed

  21. Maria-Rita Christoph · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop the capturing of wild animals…..all animals in circuses……all over the world

  22. Ernie Sanchez · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  23. Tina Pirazzi · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Arrogance of human species continues to be shameful! People are are NOT the only “earthlings” or intelligent life form inhabiting the planet. Isn’t it time to humbly recognize that other intelligent creatures need to be treated with respect….. who knows, humans might even learn something from another life form!

  24. Jo-Ann Cowan · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    so thankful there are kindred spirits here in the USA ; sometimes I feel I am an outsider to my own peers due to my compassionate feelings about all living beings. I agree that the USA NEEDS TO DO much better.

    This cruelty must stop.

  25. Patrizia · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Non vogliamo più orrori su questa terra. Gli animali sono esseri sensibili e buoni. E noi uomini non siamo padroni del pianeta. Basta!

  26. Virginia Royals · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Show your humanity! Stop abusing circus animals!

  27. Jess · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    What a joke xx get a grip people
    Please xx poor suffering animal xx not acceptable

  28. laxman · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop this.

  29. Nancy Lowe · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    There is no rhyme or reasoning to allow this abuse and corruption to continue. These animal people are no different than any other foreigner to us in this world. They are not less of a person. Help them escape to a better place and hold accountable their owner for the atrocities committed upon them. Can you imagine yourself in their position? Try if you can. You cannot.

  30. S Reeves · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please ban animals for circuses. Please support TEAPSPA

  31. Yuki Endo · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I’ll completely support ban on animal circus. Here is what happened today at NYC City Hall.

    NYC just made history! Council Member Rosie Mendez’s pioneering bill to ban the use of wild animals in circuses, Intro. 1233-A, just passed out of committee! We’re not done yet but this is a tremendous victory!
    Humane Scorecard: Vote on Intro. 1233-A, Health Committee, 6/15/17 10am 7-0
    Yes: Johnson (Chair), Mendez, Vacca, Van Bramer, Koo, Espinal, Eugene
    Absent: Barron, Cornegy
    Council Members Andy King and I Daneek Miller – who are not even on the committee – came to speak out against the bill. If either of these folks are your reps, please call them and express your extreme disappointment. Encourage them to reconsider and vote yes.
    The next step is a vote in the full Council. We expect that to take place next week on June 21st. After that, if we win, the bill heads to Mayor de Blasio for his signature!
    Call your Council Member right now and encourage them to vote yes! Find your Council Member:
    Thank you to all the advocates & organizations and especially to my friend & Council Member Rosie Mendez who has fought for her bill for 11+ years & to Health Committee Chairman Corey Johnson who has been a champion for the bill and the animals. Amazing work!! This wouldn’t have happened without you!!
    Let’s do this!!

  32. ghazala buksh · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Disgrace on humanity. End such slavery.

  33. Julia moore · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Disgusting shameful cruelty

  34. Arianna · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  35. Maria P. · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    People, your representatives will NOT see your comments on this page. You have to go to your rep’s website and submit your comments.

  36. lisa holsonback · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  37. Cara Schmidt · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    STOP using animals for human ‘entertainment’. Animals belong in the wild.

  38. Nalin Wetthasinghe · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I m Nallin from Sri Lanka.
    It is a very SAD story that USA Congress does not feel the pulse of the people.
    This is why America is going down and down.
    US Congress is living in a very isolated world and Congressmen are very very old people.
    US Congress must have a age limit.
    They only believe in Invading and Bombing.
    US Congress China will rule the WORLD bcos of you old men.

  39. Ananda millard · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please use your power and the law to prevent animal abuse. Be on the right side of history on this. Much has been achieved around the world, yet still much needs to be done. You have the power to act and use your influence for good. Please use it. Thank you

  40. Sara · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Shocking and disgusting, stop this now!!

  41. Sharon Stribling · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Words fail me I just can’t believe these people are allowed to exploit these magnificent animals. They should be living as wild a life as possible this sickens and disgusts me. I can’t believe anyone would want to pay to see such cruelty. It must stop and these animals sent to sanctuaries.

  42. ani almeida · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  43. Shawndi HOy · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    For mercy and compassion sake stop being heartless and cruel to these majestic, creatures. They have feelings too, like your children. In Jesus name please stop this abomination and be merciful! =(

  44. LisaMarie · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Yeah – a link would have been better.

  45. Pingback: Controversial exotic animal act set to return to Las Vegas. - Stop Circus Suffering

  46. Sandra Dal Cais · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Dear Member of Congress,

    I am writing as a constituent concerned about the welfare of wild animals forced to perform in traveling circuses in the US. I would like to ask you to please support federal legislation to protect wild animals in circuses.

    Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from severe confinement, unavoidable because of the constraints of a difficult life of constant travel on the road. Tigers, bears, elephants and other wild animals spend hours on end either chained, in small cages, or crowded into trailers and train cars.

    A circus animal’s life of ongoing deprivation is punctuated by moments of physical violence. Investigations have documented a pattern of abusive training methods where pain, punishment and fear are employed to force these wild animals to do unnatural and silly tricks. The tools of the trade include bullhooks, whips, and electric prods which are used to hit, “hook,” and shock animals.

    Over 30 countries around the world have adopted national legislation prohibiting or restricting the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses, with hundreds of local bans in place worldwide – over 200 in the UK, and hundreds in Europe and South America, as well as Asia. I am respectfully calling on you to take a stand, with your compassionate constituents, against this abuse and work toward protecting circus animals.


  47. Monique Vetrano · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Free the elephants once and for all. Lwt them be free and happy. They were born to be free!!! Its their natural orn right!!!

  48. Mariana · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Todos los seres vivos tiene derecho a ser respetados y libre!!!

  49. Sara Polk · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Dear Member of Congress,

    I am writing as a constituent concerned about the welfare of wild animals forced to perform in traveling circuses in the US. I would like to ask you to please support federal legislation to protect wild animals in circuses.

    Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from severe confinement, unavoidable because of the constraints of a difficult life of constant travel on the road. Tigers, bears, elephants and other wild animals spend hours on end either chained, in small cages, or crowded into trailers and train cars.

    A circus animal’s life of ongoing deprivation is punctuated by moments of physical violence. Investigations have documented a pattern of abusive training methods where pain, punishment and fear are employed to force these wild animals to do unnatural and silly tricks. The tools of the trade include bullhooks, whips, and electric prods which are used to hit, “hook,” and shock animals.

    Over 40 countries around the world have adopted national legislation prohibiting or restricting the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses, with hundreds of local bans in place worldwide – over 200 in the UK, and hundreds in Europe and South America, as well as Asia. I am respectfully calling on you to take a stand, with your compassionate constituents, against this abuse and work toward protecting circus animals.


    Sara Polk

  50. Hayley Bowler · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  51. Kince · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please stop this cruelty. They do not deserve this torture

  52. John Vernon Peterson · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Born free stay free – animals do NOT belong in circuses!

  53. liv · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Let animals stay wild and free! Time for a change!

  54. Candice Gordon · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop the cruelty and suffering. Using animals for entertainment is cruel and inhumane. This not what people want to see. Do not use animals in the circus or for any other form of entertainment.!!

  55. david a knightly · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Elephants are awesome. Intelligent & sensitive. I’m sick of sub humans abusing & exploiting animals for greed & stupidity. Any sub human caught abusing an animal should immediately go to prison for life, his pathetic life. Animals suffer so at the hands of humans. Nature did NOT intend this. Help where & when you can. Observe. Be strong, do something for elephants.

  56. Donna Borden · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop the use of animals in the circus. It is a barbaric practice. people do not want to see these intelligent animals being subjected to years of abuse and suffering for a few min. of entertainment. It’s inhumane and barbaric. I will NEVER attend a circus as long as live animals are involved. That goes from dogs to elephants and everything in between.

  57. Donna Ewin · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    It is disgusting that this cruuelty is still allowed. End this suffering and let these bears see out the rest of their lives not suffering.

  58. Donna Ewin · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    It is disgusting that this cruuelty is still allowed.

  59. Alisa bumbalo · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    No animal should endure this abuse. Humans are evil.

  60. Carmen Alivera · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I’m sick of subhumans torturing animals and murdering them. Enough is enough. What’s going to happen when pretty soon they’ll all be gone?

  61. jacqui hopkins · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    please stop this inhumane treatment of animals which should be in the wild, they are not for our pleasure and enjoyment

  62. Michelle Follett · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  63. Sharon Cassara · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please stop the torturing of these beautiful animals. They weren’t made for our amusement. It’s been stopped in other countries already. We have canned hunting and just plain hunting of these beautiful creatures. They just was to live where they were born. Please it’s got to stop.

  64. Pingback: Ireland, Italy, And India Join Growing Global Trend Of Banning Circus Animals –

  65. KAREN MULHOLLEM · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Dear Senator,

    I am writing as a constituent concerned about the welfare of wild animals forced to perform in traveling circuses in the US. I would like to ask you to please support federal legislation to protect wild animals in circuses.

    Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from severe confinement, unavoidable because of the constraints of a difficult life of constant travel on the road. Tigers, bears, elephants and other wild animals spend hours on end either chained, in small cages or crowded into trailers and train cars.

    A circus animal’s life of ongoing deprivation is punctuated by moments of physical violence. Investigations have documented a pattern of abusive training methods where pain, punishment and fear are employed to force these wild animals to do unnatural and silly tricks. The tools of the trade include bullhooks, whips, and electric prods which are used to hit, “hook,” and shock animals.

    Over 40 countries around the world have adopted national legislation prohibiting or restricting the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses, with hundreds of local bans in place worldwide – over 200 in the UK, and hundreds in Europe and South America, as well as Asia. I am respectfully calling on you to take a stand, with your compassionate constituents, against this abuse and work toward protecting circus animals.


  66. C Rising · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please pass H.R. 1759.

  67. Mike and Donna Suters · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Enough is enough already! STOP THE CRUELTY TO THE ANIMALS!!!

    Gandhi said it best:
    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi

  68. Lisa Schiavi · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This is nothing short of animal cruelty, put a stop to it!

  69. Teresa romano · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please stop this. This is wrong! No animal should suffer abuse at our hands, who are we to say we are entitled to take these animals out of the wild and keep them!

  70. Sue Grainger · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  71. Keith mahoney · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Hi we are all wishing you luck over here across the pond in the UK there will be a time when future generations look back at this so-called entertainment in horror and maybe in our lifetime see a total ban across the United States for this so-called entertainment

  72. Monique Vetrano · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This is,an abomination

  73. Susanna Pihlavisto · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  74. Susan Capoeman · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    MAKE IT STOP!!! The reason’s why are obvious. JUST MAKE IT STOP. There is no need to debate, no need to take months or even years.Wrong is wrong!

  75. Bonnie Spangenberg · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I have written and had published letters on behalf of inhumane practices regarding animal abuse since I was in junior high school and I am 65 years of age. Our four legged friends deserve a safe place to grow and play surrounded by people who love and care for their well being. Animals have suffered far too long and the lawmakers need to do the right thing and ban all cruelty to our animal friends!!!

  76. Joyce Bunch · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    We are loosing our majestic animals from poaching as well as circuses. Animals are dying at an extremely fast rate. Our children are not going to know the endangered as well as the non endangered. This must stop! Animals in circuses are beaten, chained, and live in horrible conditions. They do not want this.

  77. Gemma · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Animal welfare and rights are paramount in order to save these species and prevent severe suffering.
    Humans should have less rights than animals , it is not deserved

  78. Gemma · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    We need better animal welfare laws and tougher sentencing for people!!

  79. Pingback: Circus Lion Attacks Child During Show In Russia - SoSialPolitiK

  80. Monique Audenaert · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Those animals should be in a sanctuary or be free again , they need to have Some freedom then they are really happy , not chained , not with sticks to let them do something . In a lot off country’s they don’t use wild animals anymore in a circus , its time to make a big chance , don’t let them suffering and taken long hours to ride to gives them more stress for the pleasure off people . We need to use our mind , its also dangerous , what if something happens , shall you take then your responsability because you didn’t do something to stop , they are children involved to , those animals are no ment to do trickx, they are wild animals and with that you need to be extra carefull . Please stop using wild animals in circus

  81. Ellen camaro · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    We are living in 2018 not the1800s.
    Stop this cruelty now!
    We should be leading the world in a kinder
    way with animals not abuse!
    No more!

  82. ana · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    por favor dejemos que vuelvan a us entorno , y que no sean abusados de esta manera eso no es vida para ellos. sansiones para los q hacen esto exclavitud de especies.

  83. Krista · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop animal cruelty! Let those performe who have a choice! These and other wonderfull creatures other than man have no desire to amuse People. Let Them live free!!

  84. Kanan · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Sent letter to Senator in NJ. The circus with Elephants acts going on in Atlanta GA at present. Please do not buy and watch any of this. The only cruel animal on the earth is HUMAN.

    1. ADI · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      Thank you, Kanan!

  85. Steve Jetman · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I hope and pray that exotic Animals are not included in Circuses anymore since it is cruel and not the right thing to do. I am not against Circuses that don’t use exotic animals like Cirque de Soleil, etc. Exotic animals are only used to bring in more people and to make money. There is nothing wrong with going to a Circus and seeing Clowns and Trapeze Artists. How about just that?????

    1. ADI · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      Agreed, Steve. Cirque du Soleil and other circuses do very well with just human performers.

  86. Candice Gordon · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This is so Cruel and Barbaric.!! What kind of people are these that run the circus from hell.?
    This has to stop now.!!!

  87. Donna · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Abuse should not be toleratred in any way, and the Government should do something about it by passing strict laws with stiff penalities,!!! These poor animals suffer so much it is really unbelieveable!

  88. Margaret Morandi · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please put an end to circus animal suffering!! Proof shows physical abuse and confinement!! This is inexcusable and so outdated and it’s time to do the right thing and end the abuse now!!!!

  89. Angela Grammatico · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This barbaric act of abusing animals is primative . We have evolved and this must STOP !!!

  90. Galina · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I am not a citizen of your country, but I am against the circus with animals. This is cruel entertainment. He has no place in the civilized world.

  91. Debbie Bolick · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Maybe the people committing these horrific acts to animals will come back in another life as the animal they tortured. Unti then I’ll sign all petitions and pray for the victims

  92. Vivian · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This is cruel! Stop it now!

  93. Ben · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I hope we are coming to an era where animal suffering is a thing of the past.

  94. Patty Cake · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Why is it that one of the most “civilized” countries in the world is also one of the most ignorant?? Shame on you U.S.A. for continuing the abusive practice of allowing circus animals. STOP IT NOW!

  95. hrithik · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    stop it

  96. Minttu Salminen · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    From Finland (Europe ) hello! Please put end to circus animal suffering right now!!!!!

  97. Collin Lovas · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Animals are not ours to eat.
    Animals are not ours to wear.
    Animals are not ours to experiment on.
    Animals are not ours to use for entertainment.
    Animals are not ours to abuse in any way.
    Be kind to animals. Don’t eat, wear, experiment or otherwise abuse or exploit.

  98. Jane Cafmam · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Save their suffering

  99. Blair Sorrel · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Over twenty years ago, I glimpsed a stir crazy elephant tethered in Central Park and that harrowing image still haunts me. During my NYC residency, I protested Ringling Brothers regularly and was jubilant when newly informed and compassionate parents tore up their childrens’ tickets. If more knew, more would put their money into entertainment that is ethical and much more worthy of their attendance. Thank you.

  100. Crystal E. Alexander · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    How PROUD AMERICAN’S can be by ending the use of sentient beings (aka Circus ‘animals’) for cheap entertainment of people. How wonderful that finally people recognize all beings have the SAME NEEDS AND FEELINGS! The need for family, security, love, affection, safe clean drinking and bathing water and healthy nutritious, fresh food. A natural environment free from exploitation, free from living as slaves or being beat or forced into captivity. We all know they feel happiness, terror, joy, safness and love just as we do. Time to raise our awareness for the 2020 and be spiritually on the level we should be.

  101. Kc Cox · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Wild and exotic animals used for entertainment suffer their entire lives. They are taken from their families at a young age; endure abusive training methods that include restraints, bullhooks, chains, clubs, whips, and electric shock devices; and endanger public health and safety. Animals in circuses spend up to 50 weeks a year traveling in poorly ventilated, cramped trailers, sometimes in extreme weather. Elephants are typically chained or confined to small pens, restricting movement to a step forward or backward. Immobilized for prolonged periods and forced to stand in their own urine and excrement, they commonly suffer degenerative joint disease and foot disorders, the leading causes of euthanasia in captive elephants. Bears, primates, and big cats also eat, drink, sleep, defecate, and urinate in cramped cages. Deprived of adequate exercise and appropriate social groupings, and with no opportunities to express natural behaviors, animals often exhibit signs of severe and chronic stress. Life in an unhealthy environment on the road also means that sick animals may not have access to immediate, expert veterinary care. Thank you

  102. Barb Thibault · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please post where Canadians can sign.

  103. Candice Gordon · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This is NOT entertainment. This is pure inhumane cruelty to these innocent animals. It’s disgusting and it has to stop. What is wrong with those who think it’s okay torture and abuse these innocent animals.?? It just has to stop now.!!

  104. Lory · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I am surprised at some entertainers that claim to be against animal abuse but they will perform in venues where animals are being abused for entertainment. Human entertainers entertain without chains and without whips. If more entertainers would refuse to perform at these venues then maybe they would stop bringing them in. Also if they would stop sponsoring these venues then maybe animals could be released from these evil circuses. The next time you read about an entertainer and how much they are against animal abuse check to see what venues they will performing in.

  105. Pingback: FEDERAL LEGISLATION/TEAPSPA | Free All Cative Elephants

  106. Jesse Wemyss · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Should be free to roam in native land or sanctuary

  107. Jeanette Coeburn · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    It would help if schools would stop taking children to circuses. They learn young that using animals for entertainment is acceptable.

  108. Vianney Ventura · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    No more animals in circus

  109. Charalambou · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    My address is in France. So this doesn’t work… To bad, because I would like to participate somehow to stop circus animals every where in the world…

  110. emma · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    If you want Animals, you can include Dogs and/or Birds with their loving Guardians, engaging in feats and talents (e.g. similar to those animal skits on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT) — BUT, you may NOT use Wild Animals — you’re asking way TOO much from them — they give up too much and suffer greatly just to give us Humans a little SHOW — keep in mind, you can include acrobats, clowns BUT — NO WILD ANIMALS!

  111. sarah weisberg · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Animals are not objects to be abused for entertainment

  112. Kristin · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    This is beyond wrong. Animals should not be allowed to perform in circuses. This is cruel and abusive.

  113. Mm · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I am writing as a constituent concerned about the welfare of wild animals forced to perform in traveling circuses in the US. I would like to ask you to please support the Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA, S2121) to prohibit the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling performances.

    Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from severe confinement, inherent to traveling acts given the constraints of a difficult life of constant travel on the road. Wild animals spend long hours chained in small cages, or crowded into trailers and train cars.

    A circus animal’s life is one of ongoing deprivation, punctuated by physical violence. For many years, investigations have documented a systemic pattern of abusive training methods where pain, punishment and fear are employed to force these wild animals to perform unnatural tricks. The tools of the trade include bullhooks, whips, electric prods, and even standard husbandry tools such as shovels and pitchforks, which are used to hit, “hook,” and shock animals.

    Globally, 46 countries have passed national legislation to prohibit the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses. Two US states, and 95 local US jurisdictions have also acted, as have hundreds of localities around the world; over 200 UK localities and hundreds of others in the rest of Europe, South America, and Asia. I respectfully call on you to take a stand, with your compassionate constituents, against this abuse and work toward protecting circus animals – please support TEAPSPA.

  114. Lisa · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please end this hidden ongoing abuse.. end the suffering.. wild animals are being beat down to learn tricks, Men are being paid for the abuse of these wild animals. Make these abusers get real jobs.

  115. MiTmite9 · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Many many years ago a circus came to town that boasted having a White rhinoceros. A group of us were there protesting. One disgruntled man offered to punch me in the face (me: 5’3″, 110lbs). Decades later, here we all are online and still fighting to end this barbarism. Happily, the tide is turning, but it sure has been a long time coming. Never give up.

  116. Barbara · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    We are tasked with caring for God’s creatures, not abusing them. Consider carefully what would be in the best interest of the animals, not what our baser instincts might want. Let’s enjoy animals in care based zoos or better yet, natural wildlife habitats.

  117. Annette Ahlander · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Shouldn’t the “Golden Rule” apply to animals as well as people? Would any human being want to be incarcerated, neglected, and mistreated for pure enjoyment by others? Heavens no! Gross violations of civil liberties would be regularly blasted across the air waves. Yet too many allow this same abuse against what they consider to be “lesser” creatures (reminiscent of how the U. S. once regarded Native, Asian, and African Americans, et al, and many still do). We demonize or belittle others in order to justify our own gluttony, cruelty, stupidity, and greed. To quote one of my sisters who does not regard animal life the way I do: “Can we help it if they taste so good?”

    Wow. Remind me to not end up in blocked off cave with you.

  118. Caroline Matilde Kristensen · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please stop having animals on circuses

  119. Evan · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Teaching kids that animals are entertainments objects is wrong. The abuse that goes on rivals that of factory farming please ban the use of exotic animals. Two years ago over seas a tiger had a seizure during her performance at a circus because of the stress shes under. Please consider everyones opinions for the greater good.

  120. Amy G. · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I’m saddened everyday by the cruelty in this world. I know that many countries have banned wild animal acts & exotic ownership, ie tigers, lions etc. however the US always seems to be the last to act. It’s devastating how many animals are abused and neglected in this country. I was appalled to learn that you can but steel jaw traps on Amazon! As humans, I believe we have a duty to care for and cherish EVERY other creature on this planet. We have the ability, now we need the laws to reflect our desire to be the compassionate species I know we can be. If enough people let their voices be heard we can demand change.

  121. Penelope · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I AGREE:
    Kumar N · 6 May 2019 at 12:08a
    Animal used for entertainment are so abused, just like those used in factory farms, fur/leather production, animal experimentation and so many other ways. This has to come to an end!

  122. Althea · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Animals transported around and kept in appalling conditions to entertain screaming crowds forced to perform painful and un-natural acts. This is 2020 people know better so why is this not illegal

  123. Roberta Cihla · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    It’s time to STOP using animals for entertainment acts and shows. It is 2020 for heaven sakes. The world is evolving so should the circuses and entertainment. Expolting animals and using exotic and wild animals especially. If they decide to attack and/or escape it puts the public safety at risk. They’re not referred to exotic and wild for nothing. They’re not domesticated and can not be fully domesticated, no matter how many generations back they were taken from the wild.

    They’re strong and powerful. Exotics and wild animals should NOT be handled or kept by humans. STOP THE BARBARIC PRACTICE!

  124. Jeanne Cambouris · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a



  125. Jeanne Bradbury · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  126. Jean Patmore · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Animal abuse always leads to the same to humans!

  127. Ken Martin · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    It’s horrible and needs to stop.

  128. Janet Smith · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please sign this bill. These animals deserve a better live than breed for a life in a cage. It’s time to stop the abuse of these animals. Thank You and God bless

  129. GG · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop the circuses.
    Nothing but fear, bad treatment, and inhumane actions toward poor captive animals.

  130. Margaret Meinert · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Animals are awesome and should not be abused for profit, sport, or entertainment. PLEASE do more to protect the precious lives of animals.

  131. Gail Kazmer · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    GailKazmer Laguna Niguel, Ca.

    Just finding you guys now, even though Ive been an animal rights activist fighting circus animals, etc, etc, etc, to infinity for 48 years! How amazing and wonderful you are!! Cant wait to be a part of what you do, and get in the frey. Let’s “battle on” guys!! We’re fighting the good fight!!

  132. patches mania · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    circus ban is a loud voice of today’s America, lets see the rulers do in terms of this

  133. Megha · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Circus Ban in America . Stop abusing wild animals . America act now

  134. Barbara Johnson · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  135. Diana · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    It’s time to finally close this animal-abusing industry, which has already been widely discredited.

  136. Nadin Jonuz · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  137. Jerry Swarzman · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Why must we torture animals for our pleasure???!!! Stop these circus acts now!!!

  138. Jerry Swarzman · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    We can no longer put animals “on display” at circuses and hope that they will be humanely treated. Stop the cruelty and animal torture!!!

  139. Lynne B Jones · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop circus animal suffering, please.

  140. Lisa A Snycerski · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    The time is overdue for this nation to end the cruelty and abuse of traveling animal acts!

  141. Dessa · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I stopped going to Ringling Bros in the late 90s after taking my then 2-year old. I didn’t see any abuse, but I just knew in my heart it was all so wrong. It was a feeling in the air. It was like I couldn’t even look at the animals because I knew they would have never chosen a life like that. I told everyone I knew to stop going, but plenty looked at me (and commented) like I was crazy. I’m so glad others feel the same way I do!

  142. ahimsa42 · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    “So many people insist they are against animal abuse, cruelty, suffering and the inhumane treatment of animals, yet they don’t understand they are actively engaging in and supporting egregious suffering, abuse, cruelty and inhumane treatment when they eat animals and their ‘by-products.’ If you are against cruelty, suffering and inhumane treatment, then you go vegan. It’s just that simple.” – Sarah Kiser

  143. Teresa · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Animal circuses are not necessary, not even domestic animal circus. Animals do not choose to live in a box cage, long distance or perform. It is not natural behavior. Let humans do the performances.

  144. Kate Walsh · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    I want to recommend a documentary that may help friends, family, etc., who patronize these traveling shows understand the issue better. It is called “Love and Bananas” and parts of it are heartbreaking/ infuriating. I met the woman who shot this documentary and it changed my life and many others’ lives.

  145. Martin Foster · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    2021 and we’re still trying to stop this disgrace!

  146. KC · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    God forgive us our unending cruelty and wholesale disregard for Planet Earth and these beautiful, amazing creatures…for the almighty dollar. Shame.

  147. Belinda Blease · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please end this cruelty to animals.

  148. Belinda Blease · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please end this cruelty to animals!

  149. Claudia · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    It is impossible to understand how an advanced country like the USA would still allow the abuse of animals for the sake of people‘s entertainment. Thinking of what it takes to make these incredible animals perform circus tricks literally turns my stomach. Stop this abuse and stop it now!

  150. Chris Zambruski · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    The use of animals needs to discontinue. There are plenty of other forms of entertainment, look at what Moment Factory is doing (they designed the light shows at the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris and have done lots more). There are plenty of agencies here in the United States who would love to assist in such projects!

    This is one of the many ways we can do better, such as keeping circus alive. This is a new era with talent and entertainment evolving, why not be apart of that change?

    1. ADI Admin · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      We couldn’t agree more! That is a beautiful art form and a great example of the many forms of non-animal entertainment available these days.

  151. MS · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    SEND all Animals to Sanctuaries — this is the RIGHT THING to do — to lead happy & healthy lives — STOP exploiting & abusing Animals — they are NOT stuffed toys — Wild Animals suffer greatly in Circus HELL-HOLES entertaining Humans – this MUST STOP.

  152. Nay Goff · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    What can i do in Holland?

    1. ADI Admin · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

      There is a ban on wild animals in circuses in the Netherlands, which came into effect in 2015. Please do keep a look out for wild animals being used at events or in adverts/TV/film and if you see any, please speak out against them and let us know.

  153. AHIMSA42 · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    “The wild, cruel beast is not behind the bars of the cage. He is in front of it.”- Axel Munthe

    “We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the devil in human form.” — William Ralph Inge

  154. Alana Crow · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Stop making animals suffer for entertainment.

  155. Alana · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    We have destroyed the animal kingdom and it’s now our moral and ethical duty to give animals to the space to live freely.

  156. Anita J · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    “Animals torture is paid for by tourists and spectators”…this enslavement of wild life MUST end. Their habitats MUST be restored and they and all creatures in them must be protected ruthlessly. We must act before we lose everything forever…

  157. Cynthia · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a


  158. Rita Cross · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Getting humane change for animals is a very slow, agonizing process! The US is one of the worst regarding poor animal welfare. When the Public becomes fully aware of the cruelty happening across this nation, they must rise up and boycott any venues with animals abused and exploited for so-called “entertainment”! Please use your voices to contact your Congressmen and women to urge them to support bills that help end animal cruelty! We can vote out those who haven’t a caring bone in their bodies!! Many thanks!!

  159. Rita Cross · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please contact your members of Congress and urge them to support TEAPSPA to end the abuse and exploitation of animals for circus “entertainment”! Many thanks for your support!

  160. Kelly · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    And on top of this cruelty, once these beautiful creatures are “retired” they are sold to canned hunts….where stupid, egotistical men pay large amounts of money for a so called trophy….this disgusting sport is legal in certain states in this country….unreal and disgusting…

  161. Ann T. · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please support TEAPSPA legislation!!

  162. Greg Smithhart · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Back in the 90’s I remember going to Ringling Bros circus when they were in Austin. When I walked out, I saw people with signs protesting. I recall not paying much attention because I normally don’t like that form of protest.

    Fast forward to last summer. I started watching videos about elephants and had what you might call an awakening. They captured my heart completely. Then I saw the videos about Tyke the Elephant and was utterly sickened by what I saw. I have now adopted 7 orphan elephants from Sheldrick Wildlife Preserve and plan to visit them and find opportunities to volunteer.

    I have also told many friends about the aweful place near me in Fredericksburg, TX where they force elephants to go tricks. They used to be an organization called Have Trunks Eill Travel, them moved to Texas after getting dhit down in California. One friend won’t even talk to me after I shared videos about this on their FB post where they attended and rode them.

    Now I will do everything on my power to stop this horror. I sent this letter to my 2 senators and one rep. Also sent letters about the trophy hunting in Tanzania and planned culling in South Africa. And of course never attend a circus or anything like it ever again.

  163. Ann Tagawa · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    Please support TEAPSPA to end captive animal abuse in circuses. It’s medieval that this “entertainment” still exists.

  164. Judy Scobee · 20 October 2021 at 12:08a

    It is impossible to understand how an advanced country like the USA would still allow the abuse of animals for the sake of people‘s entertainment.Stop this form of animal abuse!

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