Comedian tells Government to “get a move on” as British circus ban farce continues
Popular bill to bring in Government’s promised ban on wild animals in circuses stalls on TENTH attempt
Comedian Alexei Sayle has joined ADI in calling for action on wild animal circuses, urging Government “to get a move on” and “bring their own bill in” as a backbench bill to bring in the ban that has been promised, but sat upon by Government, continues to be blocked. Today on its tenth attempt to pass to committee stage it was once again blocked by Christopher Chope who has prevented the bill from progressing on seven occasions to date.
Opposition to the use of wild animals in circuses is overwhelming with support for the ban uniting Parliament and the public. The lack of progress on the issue has made it an embarrassing Parliamentary saga. The proposed ban on wild animals in circuses was announced by the Government in 2012, although a ban was promised to Parliament as long ago as 2006. In 2010 a Government Public Consultation saw over 90% of respondents calling for a ban and in 2011, backbench bench MPs voted unanimously for the Government to introduce a ban.
Social justice campaigner Peter Tatchell has joined Alexei Sayle in the plea for action stating he hoped David Cameron “will stop his foot-dragging and bring forward legislation to ensure there are no more wild animals in circuses in Britain” alongside X Factor boyband Fifth Street who said that the ban would “keep the public happy and keep the animals happy.”
In an attempt to progress the ban, Angela Eagle MP yesterday William Hague, Leader of the House of Commons, if the Government would give the Circus Bill time for a Second Reading. He responded: “I certainly support that Bill and the Government supports that Bill. I think it would be wrong for the Government to pick bills out of the Private Members’ process and give them Government time… the Bill will have to take it’s normal chances.” This is extraordinary double-speak given the bill was promised by the Government over two years ago and is only in the Private Members’ process because the Government has not given it time. The wording of the Bill, introduced by Jim Fitzpatrick MP, is identical to the Government’s own, unveiled to media fanfare but which has simply gathered dust.
Despite the obstacles we face, ADI will not give up on the animals and will continue to urge David Cameron to keep his word and progress the law, which Wales is seeking to be included in. Please help and take action ahead of the Bill’s next second reading on Friday 27 February.
Please help stop this suffering. Wild animals need to be free.
Where is the human decency that allows animals to be treated in such a unkind cruel way. What ethics do you possess if you allow this kind of behaviour towards beings that cannot in any way or shape of form defend themselves or speak or do anything to change their situations. What just human beings allow bullying and bad treatment of the weak??
this needs to stop! Animal entertainment is old & out dated! Please end this practice!
we as humans need and must protect the animals at all costs
Listen to the people! Feel the outrage at this constant stalling. These animals need us now. This is an embarrassment. We should be seen to be leading the way. Compassion and common sense need to prevail. I am part of this generation that wants change. I want to see the end of suffering, cruelty and the use of animals for ‘entertainment’. It is barbaric and cruel. The future generations need to know how to respect animals, promote conservation and education not feel that they can laugh at an animal performing in a circus. Would you like to be caged, dragged out nightly in front of a crowd and demanded to perform tricks? I don’t suppose you would. I don’t for one minute think an animal wants this either. Enough is enough!
Animals are not to be treated as objects! They are living beings which deserve a life of their own. They are not ours to play with and should not be used as “entertainment” for others. We certainly wouldn’t want to live their actual lives in captivity so why is it so difficultu to understand that they do not appreciate living the way they do. Is money all that counts? What about respect of other live beings. rEspect others as you would like to be respected!
Show compassion, end the cruelty
Britain, move into the 21st Century and get your act together! Are you kidding me, circuses?!
Circuses are cruel to animals. They suffer a lifetime of misery for a few minutes of entertainment. They are trained through the threat of violence. They spend lots of time chained or confined and unable to engage in natural behaviors. Elephants are beaten with bullhooks. They are controlled by fear and pain. Animals should be free.
Animals are forced to submit to their trainers through the use of fear and pain. They spend most of their time chained and confined. They are prevented from engaging in natural behaviors. If they do not conform they are beaten. Have you ever seen a bull hook? Elephants are tortured with these. Animals deserve to live free.
It is indeed a sad day when one of the ‘custodians’ of the people of Britain obviously has no compassion for the vulnerable and endorses animal cruelty! The link between animal cruelty and human abuse is well established, so what does it say of those meant to play a significant role in caring for the welfare of Britons – hard to believe that a country that has led the way in animal welfare is seemingly apathetic to the suffering of circus animals!? As for the government as a whole, two words – apathy kills!
Please ban circuses in Great Britain.
No more animals in any circus. It’s simply cruel. Release all animals please.
Animals suffer being jailed in circuses.
Please stop this outdated and cruel practise of using animals in circuses, as a country we should be better than that in this day and age, the government needs to take a lead and do the right thing.
ban all animals from performing in circuses NOW!
Money is always more important that life. This is all that can be said on any of these issues. Whoever has the deeper pocket gets the bills passed. When will this change? Maybe when people around the world start to view life as important and start getting moral values and stop being egotistical. ALL life forms should be dealt with love, compassion and respect and be just another commodity.
Sorry that was supposed to read ” NOT just another commodity.”
sorry that was supposed to read “NOT a commodity”
Animals do not belong in circuses! It is for the entertainment of humans, so use humans as the entertainers. Why must animals always be used and abused for the entertainment of humans?
The ban on not allowing wild animals to perform in circus’s MUST BE PUT IN TO LAW!!! These animals do NOT belong in captivity at ALL, and CERTAINLY do not deserve to be TORTURED into performing ridiculous acts just so idiot humans can laugh and clap. IT’S DISGUSTING. It’s perverted and barbaric as well. PUT THIS LAW IN PLACE NOW!!!
Wild animals in circuses are a thing of the past. I used to love them as a child, but now I’m a mature adult, I can see that the small environments are not befitting wild animals. Also, we have seen the barbaric treatment shown to these animals in ‘training’ sessions. Either circuses must use human talents, and there’s a lot out there, or circuses must come to an end. This is the 21st century, let’s behave like it!!
Stop this barbaric treatment of WILD animals it’s appalling
Please stand up and be counted where it matters. Animals have just as much right to their life being free as humans do.
Please take urgent action now to stop animals being mistreated, especially in circuses and zoo’s
thank you
Stop the abuse and exploitation of animals!
Please DO NOT use animals in circus.
Make this horror stop. protect our animals and make this world a more decent place to live.
Who keeps blocking this bill and why?. Is money changing hands somewhere?. This is an absolute disgrace. We don`t live under the rule of ancient Rome so why is it still happening?
STOP all exploitation of non-humans
Ban Circus..Depriving Creatures Of Nature..A Natural Life..For Human’s Selfish..Greed..Making Slaves And Torturing Til Death..
Popular bill to bring in Government’s promised ban on wild animals in circuses stalls on TENTH attempt
i will never give up helping animals until ever cage is empty.
Animals should not be used in any circus, I saw one 30 years ago I was disgusted , I have been back to one and I never will, It was appalling They way the Animals were treated,
Ban wild & all other animals from abuse in circuses.No animals to be trained for “entertainment” STOP the CRUELTY!!!
How can any educated society, condone, accept and enforce such abject cruelty? This is wrong!
Allow these animals out of cruel circuses and into sanctuaries to live out their lives.
How is it that ONE person can stop this bill being passed?!! Using animals in circuses for entertainment has to stop. They suffer all their lives, living in cramped, unsuitable conditions, their spirits broken from cruel training programmes. How long does it take to think about stopping this out-dated practice, for heavens sake?!!
When will you start respecting animals??? It’s your duty to end this horror of abuse!!!!
stop wasting time and get on with it dithering idiots
END animal suffering in circuses!!
While you drag your feet countless animals are suffering, some dying. Enough! Support the public you represent and get this legislation passed.
Stop this please!
Stop using wild animals as entertainers, they belong to wild!
Dieren horen niet in een circus !!!!
Stop exploiting animals and free them from circuses now!
Ban wild animals in circuses. The public should try out instead. Be worth a good laugh.
Please ban all animals from the circus. It is cruel and they suffer tremendous abuse.
Help animals in Britisch circuses today
How can this go on fo so long?
And how can one person block a bill that has so much public and parliamentary support in a so-called democracy?
all circuses that use live animals should be banned. animals should not be used for entertainment purposes and animal cruelty is not acceptable.
All animals should be free and not part of entertainment
Ban animal circuses! They’re cruel and outdated!!! Compassion in the 21st century!
Leave our beloved animals alone!
Circuses are CRUEL TO ANIMALS…beaten thhey are throughout their lives …Please BAN Circuses from using animals !
Why is Mr Christopher Chope being allowed to stop this bill over and over again and of what interest is it to him ?