Defra say no licences issued for circuses with wild animals
UPDATE: In a written answer to a parliamentary question on 14 February 2013, it was stated by Mr Heath that: To date, two applications for a licence have been received by DEFRA. One inspection has taken place and a date for the other inspection has been booked. No licences have been issued so far.

UPDATE: In a written answer to a parliamentary question on 14 February 2013, it was stated by Mr Heath that:
To date, two applications for a licence have been received by DEFRA. One inspection has taken place and a date for the other inspection has been booked. No licences have been issued so far.
Information about the number and species of animals submitted with applications received to date is summarised in the following table:
Circus Mondao: camel 2, reindeer 2, zebra 2
Peter Jolly’s Circus: ankole 1, camel 1, fox 1, raccoon 1, reindeer 4, snakes 6, zebra 1
* * *
On Tuesday afternoon, Defra informed ADI that “we have received two applications for circus licences but no licences have yet been issued”.
In an article reporting ADI’s news that tigers from the Great British Circus had been shipped to the Courtney Brothers Circus in Ireland, reported in The Observer on 10 February, it stated that two licences for Jolly’s Circus and Circus Mondao had been issued but according to Defra this is not the case.
The following information was released on 11 February under the Freedom of Information Act, confirming that two licence applications had been received by Defra, and outlining which animals the licences would cover:
Annex A
Applications have been received from two circuses: Jolly’s Circus and Circus Mondao.
The following 21 animals have been included in stock lists:
- One ankole
- Three camels
- One fox
- One raccoon
- Six reindeer
- Six snakes
- Three zebra
The first animal circus to perform this year will be Circus Mondao, who start their 2013 tour today at the Baytree Garden Centre in Spalding, Lincolnshire. Last year the circus toured with zebra, camels, llamas, reindeer, goats, a donkey, horses, a pony, dogs, ducks and doves.
According to the The Welfare of Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (England) Regulations 2012 “A person who without a licence operates a travelling circus commits an offence”.
How you can help
- Please ask Lord de Mauley, the Defra Minister responsible, when the wild animal circus ban that was promised in March 2011 will be introduced.
- Ask your MP to push for the ban to be implemented ASAP.
- If you live in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, please contact your political representative asking them to support a UK-wide ban on wild animals in circuses.
- Find out who your representative is and email them here.
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