Tatler photo of Anne the elephant raises concerns
It has been brought to our attention that Longleat has permitted Tatler magazine to take photos of Emma McQuiston with Anne inside her enclosure and one of her keepers, who can be seen holding a bullhook.

It has been brought to our attention that Longleat has permitted Tatler magazine, during a photoshoot for their latest issue, to take photos of Emma McQuiston – who Longleat have stated is the fiancé of Ceawlin Thynn, beneficiary of the Longleat Estate – with Anne inside her enclosure and one of her keepers, who can be seen holding a bullhook. A photo of Anne, her keeper and Ms Thynn was posted on Tatler’s facebook page but, following comments by concerned members of the public, this was removed from the site. No photos of Anne have appeared in the published magazine.

After the terrible life she lived in the circus, ADI feels that it is inappropriate for anyone other than staff or veterinary professionals to enter Anne’s enclosure, and for images of such individuals with Anne to be used commercially. We also remain concerned about the use of the bullhook by her keepers, which we commented on earlier this year.
Although her life has no doubt improved since her former owners handed her over to the safari park, it is troubling that, after two years, she still remains on her own. We do hope that she will be reunited with her own kind and given the companionship she desires and needs. It would be terrible for her to end her days all alone.
Responding to the Tatler photo, Longleat has issued the following statement:
The photo which has appeared on Tatler’s Facebook page is perhaps open to misinterpretation. However the photo may appear it did not involve Anne doing anything differently from her normal daily routine of being able to go outside and enjoy the freedom of her paddock area.
The Ankus which appears in the shot is not being utilised on Anne during this time and as usual is purely used as a guide to assist Anne, if needed. Please see ourprevious statement posted last month for more information on this and the free contact system we currently have in place until the elephant sanctuary is complete.
Emma McQuiston, who is the fiancé of Ceawlin Thynn, beneficiary of the Longleat Estate, was part of a separate photo-shoot nearby at Longleat House for Tatler and during a spare moment had the opportunity to go and see how Anne has been faring at Longleat and speak to her keepers about her welfare and rehabilitation. This was not part of the actual cover/ feature shoot for Tatler magazine in which Ms. Mcquiston featured, as has been suggested.
Thank you for your continued support of Anne and Longleat.
Find out more
- Read our statement in response to Longleat’s use of the bullhook (ankus)
- Read about our investigation of Anne the elephant and the trial of her previous owners Bobby and Moira Roberts here
Make a donation to support our campaign to end the use of animals in circuses worldwide