More UK Circus elephants ….
…. Still no Government action.
This year, the Great British Circus has imported three elephants from Germany.
The move shows the damage caused by the Government’s prevarication over the ban on wild animal acts, three years after it was promised in Parliament. In addition, some local authority bans are being challenged on the basis of the inept and, by its own admission, inconclusive Defra Circus Working Group Report which the Government has failed to set aside. This utter mess and confusion lies squarely at the feet of the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). The Government must act before we drift back to widespread wild animal use in UK circuses.
Read more about the Great British Circus Elephants
How YOU can help
Please write immediately to: Jim Fitzpatrick at Defra, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London W1P 3JR asking that the UK government not only honour the promise it made 3 years ago to ban wild animals in circuses, but also extend the proposed ban to include domesticated animals too.
Contact your MP calling for a ban on wild animals in UK circuses and strict controls on domestic species. Find your MP
Order our NEW Circus postcards to give to friends to send.
Let us know If you see animal circus posters being put up for upcoming shows in your area.
Distribute our leaflets & display our posters: Order our NEW Circus leaflets and distribute to members of the public, friends and family. Ask if your local doctor, library, veterinary clinic will display some!
Organise a peaceful protest: Distribute our leaflets to inform people – but be careful, many circuses have a history of violence.
Become a ‘Circus Scout’ to keep an eye on circuses in your area – recording movements of the animals at the circus.
Write to your local newspaper urging people to only go to circuses that have human-only acts. Express your dismay that elephants are yet again being paraded at UK circuses for human ‘entertainment’.
Raise funds: Keep our Field Officers on the trail of the circuses and our moves to secure legislation all over the world on track.
If you would like to discuss how to help or to order leaflets, postcards or posters please contact us on 020 7630 3340 or email our Supporter Relations team