Community in Philadelphia educated about circus suffering
22 Reasons raise awareness of plight of animals in circuses at Chestnut Hill Fall Festival.

On October 5th in Philadelphia, PA, 22 Reasons, a non-profit group that works with children to raise awareness about animal welfare, educated their community about the suffering of animals in circuses at the Chestnut Hill Fall Festival. Great fun was had by all as a non-stop crowd enjoyed the colorful wall created by 22 reasons volunteers, depicting ADI President, Jan Creamer and Vice President Tim Phillips, saving animals from circuses, with their faces and the faces of the animals cut out, so people could pose in them for pictures, expressing their compassion for the animals. They handed out loads of educational materials and encouraged everyone to call their representatives and ask them to support the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA HR4525)
• Support TEAPA: TAKE ACTION TODAY! Ask your representative to back TEAPA
• Please also consider sending a donation today and help ADI continue to expose the suffering of circus animals and campaigning for change.
• Find out how you can stop circus suffering where you live – from handing out our campaign flyers to holding an information booth in your town center or taking part in a demo, you can make a difference for the animals.
Thank you for taking action!