Illinois bans elephant acts!
The Governor of Illinois has signed into law a ban on the use of elephants in circuses and other traveling exhibitions, effective January 1, 2018

GOOD NEWS FOR ELEPHANTS. The Governor of Illinois has signed into law a ban on the use of elephants in circuses and other traveling exhibitions, sponsored by State Senator Linda Holmes, and effective January 1, 2018. Hopefully, the next step will be to BAN ALL WILD ANIMALS FROM CIRCUSES. This is great news but the momentum is there to end the suffering of all wild animals, please get involved today and bring that day closer.
To support ADI’s undercover investigations exposing circus suffering and our global campaigns to end the use of animals in circuses please donate today!
Stop the tremendous suffering on these and all animals. They belong in the wild. We have to continuefightingfor them. They can’t speak, but we can
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