Articles tagged with: scientific report
The science on suffering: Training, rehearsals & performance, abuse
It is important that the Animal Welfare Bill specifically outlaw violence during training, and the ‘cruelty offence’ and ‘duty of care’ as they stand, will not be able to prevent violence in training if different standards of welfare are produced for performing animals.
The science on suffering: Accommodation, health, psychological effects, travelling
More than any other industry, due to the nature of a travelling circus – with the concomitant restrictions on cage sizes and poor environment – the evidence has shown that travelling circuses cannot adequately provide for the basic welfare and environmental needs of the animals in their care.
The science on suffering: Evidence presented to Parliament
ADI presented the report of the first in-depth study of the use of animals in circuses in 1998, at a House of Commons reception. Since that time, several further reports have been presented, all based upon empirical evidence – observations, videotapes, and photographs.