Articles tagged with: UK
The science on suffering: Introduction
ADI believes, as a result of our empirical evidence from observation data, videotape and photographs, that animal suffering is inherent in the travelling circus environment. We have backed up this evidence with further research in the scientific literature on the effects upon animals of transport and confinement.
The science on suffering: Political and public support
That this House commends the work of Animal Defenders International in collecting video evidence of the abnormal behaviour and suffering of animals in travelling circuses, and notes this shows that travelling circuses cannot adequately provide for the basic welfare needs of their animals and as such fail the welfare test of the Animal Welfare Bill.
The science on suffering: Defra’s proposed Code of Practice
The Code of Practice that Defra has suggested could be used for circuses (as detailed in their annex to the Draft Bill) is called ‘Standards for the care and welfare of circus animals on tour’ and has been proposed by the Association of Circus Proprietors (ACP) and written by David Hibling