Please help break the chain

Urge the following venues to cancel upcoming or postponed circus performances/shows and make it their policy not to host events using wild animals. A template letter for your use/personalization is available here.
Eastern States Exposition, 875 Memorial Ave, West Springfield, MA 01089
Who: Garden Bros Nuclear Circus
When: July 21-August 31, 2022
Contact:, (413) 205-5019
Social: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Aleppo Shriners Auditorium, 99 Fordham Road, Wilmington, MA 01887
Who: Aleppo Shrine Circus / Royal Hanneford Circus
When: TBD (previously scheduled April 22-26)
Contact: Email form, 978-657-4202
Social: Facebook
Please please cancel this event , it is no longer safe with covid . It is also cruel and out dated , the days of exploiting animals are over .
Do you know elephants can carry tb and many other viruses!!!
Animals have been in lock down a lot with poor care and emotionaly unstable and could injure the ppl in your community.
Please it is time for the USA to stop the use of animals in training zoos and circus, many other countries have stopped the exploitation of animals,
They can also cause physical injuries to attendees and many elephants carry tb .
The time is now to end the suffering!! We are better than this !!