Keep wild animal acts off the road
Contact venues hosting wild animal performances/shows and ask them to make it their policy not to host events using wild animals.

Circus trucks with caged tigers, lions, bears, and elephants in chains are back on the road! We need your help to ask venues to say “no” to the suffering and make it their policy to not host performing animal acts.
ADI investigations have revealed that when circuses are not touring, animal trailers are generally parked with the animals inside, and animals like elephants, camels and zebras are warehoused in barns. Animals endure barren, empty, miserable lives, barely able to move around. They also face brutal training methods to reinforce obedience.
The animals on tour are no better off. Evidence and studies have shown that traveling circuses cannot provide wild and exotic animals with the facilities they need to maintain physical and psychological health. Circus animals are confined in small spaces, deprived of innate physical and social needs, spending excessive time shut in transporters. Wild animals living in a state of severe stress, confinement, and abuse are at a high risk of lashing out or trying to escape. Circus workers and members of the public, including children, have been killed and maimed by circus animals.
We must end the cycle of suffering inherent to these acts. Please help break this chain by writing to the venues listed below and urging them to boycott wild animal acts. Please be polite and help get these venues on the side of the animals by explaining the facts.
IF YOU ONLY HAVE TIME TO DO ONE THING TO HELP THESE ANIMALS enduring brutalized lives in chains, please write to your members of Congress asking them to support the Traveling Exotic Animal & Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA) and to sign on as a co-sponsor when the bill is reintroduced this year. Find out how here.
These are the circuses that tour with wild animals in the US:
- Carden International Circus (which tours with elephants and camels, ponies, cats, and dogs)
- Carson & Barnes (which tours with elephants and camels)
- Cindy Migley Circus Spectacular (which tours with elephants, zebras, camels, and horses)
- Culpepper & Merriweather (which tours with “Big Cats”: Wendell – lion, Delilah – Golden Tabby tiger, and Soloman – Golden Tabby tiger)
- Great Pages Circus (which tours with liberty ponies, horses, and camels)
- Hamid Circus (which tours with elephants, tigers, horses, pigs, camels, and dogs)
- Jordan World Circus (which tours with elephants, camels, ponies, buffalo, and dogs)
- Loomis Bros Circus (which tours with elephants, ponies, tigers, camels, zebra, and dogs)
- Royal Hanneford Circus (which tours elephants, camels, horses, and dogs)
- Tarzan Zerbini Circus (Mitzpah Shrine) (which tours with elephants, and horses)
- Zerbini Family Circus (which tours with miniature donkeys, horses, and dogs)
How you can help the animals suffering in the name of entertainment
- Urge the venues (see below) to make it their policy not to host events using wild animals. A template letter for your use/personalization is provided below.
- Contact us if you are able to organize a protest in your area. We can supply you with posters and leaflets and help to promote your protest
- If you hear about any circus with wild animals (see list above) coming to your area, please contact us.
- Sign up to our email list to receive campaign updates and actions
- Support our campaign to stop circus suffering – donate here
Template letter to venues hosting circuses with wild animal acts – please personalize this as much as you can:
As a citizen concerned about animal welfare and the safety of our community, I am writing to urge [NAME OF VENUE] not to host [NAME OF CIRCUS] as long as they continue to use wild animals.
Studies of the use of wild animals in traveling circuses show that their physical and behavioral needs cannot be met. Confined in small spaces and spending excessive amounts of time shut in transporters, animals are often seen behaving abnormally, their rocking, swaying and pacing movements indicating that they are in distress and not coping with their environment. Investigations by Animal Defenders International have revealed that industry standard training methods involve fear, pain, and punishment to force animals to perform.
Keeping stressed, large and dangerous wild animals close to the public in lightweight, temporary enclosures has proven disastrous. Workers and members of the public have been killed and maimed; lions, tigers, elephants and other animals have escaped.
Animal welfare and public safety should not be compromised for the sake of entertainment and I respectfully urge you to safeguard both by adopting a “no wild animals” policy for future events.
[Your Name]
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Alabama here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Arizona here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Arkansas here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Colorado here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Florida here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Georgia here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Illinois here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Indiana here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Iowa here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Kentucky here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Louisiana here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Michigan here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Minnesota here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Mississippi here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Missouri here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Montana here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Nebraska here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Nevada here.
New Mexico
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in New Mexico here.
New York
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in New York here.
North Carolina
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in North Carolina here.
North Dakota
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in North Dakota here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Ohio here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Oklahoma here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Oregon here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Pennsylvania here.
South Carolina
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in South Carolina here.
South Dakota
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in South Dakota here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Tennessee here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Texas here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Utah here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Vermont here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Virginia here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Washington here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Wisconsin here.
Find locations and contact information for circus venues in Wyoming here.
Stop using wild animals to your ugly and horrible bussines.
Please get all these animals to appropriate sanctuaries where they belong!!!! NOT in trailers, cages, etc. And “performin” out of fear and stress and being forced to do things so unnatural for the.!!!! They have feelings just like people do. Please stop ALL of this!!!! Animals deserve freedom that’s how God put them on this plane NOT man to interfere with their lives and use them for entertainment ☹
I live for the day when the sadistic mind sets of circus people are sent walking to find other work.. once the world gets back to normal
their crimes are crimes against life , which shows how dark their souls are and what kind of families they came from … pitiful and disgraceful
No more suffering! Move these animals to accredited sanctuaries.
How does this still exist in 2020? Hopefully Covid confinement will make people realize what these animals go through year after year.
Hi, Please! I urge you to boycott wild animal acts, they are suffering and is heartbreaking to see.
Thank you!
There are other ways to entertain and make a living than abusing and taking advantage of living, sentient animals. This must stop now!
How humanity can allow this to happen is beyond my comprehension to the human species.
Please set them free and let them live their life out at a sanctuary. People in the U.S. are so much better than to allow Gods creatures to suffer however, their are a slew of bad humans in this world.
Stop the abuse of this decent animals
Stop hurting animals, let the animals live in a sanctuary. So they can enjoy and be happy.
Just leave the animals alone. Employ people instead and send the animals to sanctuaries.
No more caged wild animals. They should be in sanctuaries. We don’t want to see them do tricks. We want to see them in their natural habitats!
How we humans can allow this to happen to these beautiful wild animals is beyond my comprehension. Makes me ashamed to be part of the human race. Do the research about how these animals are treated before visiting another circus or roadside zoo and you will no longer want to have any part of it.
We need to get ALL of these animals into sanctuaries asap to let them live out the rest of their lives with love, compassion and excellent care for what’s left of their lives.
No more suffering! Move these animals to accredited sanctuaries!!!
Stop using abusing these poor elephants and other animals for “so called” entertainment!! It’s time for people to boycott circuses like these. They make their money from the suffering and abuse of animals. Please rescue them now and let them have a peaceful lifestyle In a Sanctuary away from greedy, evil people!
It’s time to STOP using animals for entertainment acts and shows. It is 2020 for heaven sakes. The world is evolving so should the circuses and entertainment. Using exotic and wild animals especially. If they decide to attack and/or escape it puts the public safety at risk. They’re not referred to exotic and wild for nothing. They’re not domesticated and can not be fully domesticated, no matter how many generations back they were taken from the wild.
They’re strong and powerful. Exotics and wild animals should NOT be handled or kept by humans. STOP THE BARBARIC PRACTICE!
We need many more people sharing this link in social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to name a few. LinkedIn and Youtube too! Use this link and ask people to write and share.
We can get really loud and make this cruelty stop!
Stop abusing these animals. Retire them to the sanctuary in Tennessee!!
Animales deserve to be free de hace no right to keep them. Stop abusing this animals!
Hello, after reading this amazing paragraph i am as well
delighted to share my knowledge here with friends.
Please stop this cruelty and do the right thing now !
Don’t profit from the pain of all animals they don’t belong to you they were born to be free. Find other ways to make your money.
You …..of …….Get those elephants and all other species of mammals and birds into a…..sanctuary…DO IT NOW>>>>NOW>>>>>NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO ONE WANTS TO SEE ANIMAL ABUSE!!!! The animals did not choose this life and they do not deserve it!!
Please stop this cruelty and do the right thing now !
Don’t profit from the pain of all animals they don’t belong to you they were born to be free. Find other ways to make your money.
Desde las nuevas leyes creadas en España y parte de europa, les advertimos que apartir de esta demanda virtual que será llevada a tribunales de defensa animal donde vuestra multa y pagos serán subidos hasta tal cuantía que tendréis que entregar a santuarios oportunos a estos animales y entregarlos, son de VENTA NEGRA. PROHIBIDA Y TAMBIÉN SE UTILIZARÁ ESTO EN SU CONTRA. DESDE ESPAÑA COMENZAMOS A LUCHAR CONTRA VOSOTROS.
Have compassion, do you ever see wild animals “performing tricks etc” in their natural habitat? Cease this barbarity now please
It is with disgust and dismay I read this is still going on. It is with some hope I read these responses to this – it’s really time to consider the welfare of these animals, and allow them the freedom of being moved to appropriate sanctuaries. If circuses won’t do this on a voluntary basis, they must be boycotted until they realise it’s costing them public support…and money!
These animals should be free to be wild as they were born to do so not be in a cage and performing so heartbreaking 5his is still happening