Stop Circus Suffering

Historic Bill to end use of wild animals in circuses launched

ADI welcomes Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act introduced by Congressman Jim Moran today

Representative Jim Moran (D-VA) today introduced to Congress a bill to end the use of wild animals in traveling circuses in the US – the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA).

Launching the new bill Rep Jim Moran said, “From video and photographic evidence, it’s clear that traveling circuses aren’t providing the proper living conditions for exotic animals. This legislation is intended to target the most egregious situations involving exotic and wild animals in traveling circuses,” The mounting evidence of inhumane treatment and the growing public concern for these animals demands that we reconsider what are appropriate living conditions for these intelligent, social creatures.”



ADI has been working with Congressman Moran and is supplying members of Congress with technical briefings examining evidence of cruelty, the dangers posed by keeping wild animals in temporary housing, and the economics issues.

ADI President Jan Creamer, said: “Magnificent wild animals have no place in a traveling circus, and with this bill, the US joins almost 30 countries across the world that have taken action to end the suffering. Due to the very nature of the traveling circus, wild animals cannot move around or exercise naturally, they live their whole lives chained or tied up, or in small cages that fit on the back of a truck.  Our investigations have also shown that violence to control animals is part of circus culture; animals are beaten, whipped and electric shocked to make them perform tricks. This brutality has no place in modern society.”

Due to their very nature – small, mobile and temporary facilities, restriction of movement, barren environments and long, arduous journeys – wild animals in travelling circuses are subject to unavoidable suffering.  The restricted facilities, and the nature of the acts the animals are forced to perform, also increases the amount of handling and control required leading to physical abuse.

ADI estimates that around 300 wild animals tour the US with circuses, and the following are just a few recent examples of the welfare and public safety issues involved:

  • Brown bears caged for 90% of their time in small cages in the back of a trailer.  Dressed in costumes, muzzled and forced to ride motorcycles, walk on their front paws and play basketball.
  • Elephants routinely chained by two legs for the majority of their time, barely able to take one step forward and one back. Elephants being controlled with bullhooks and stun guns.
  • In March, three circus elephants escaped for 45 minutes from a circus in Missouri and rampaged through the parking lot, damaging vehicles.  One of the elephants, Viola, had previously escaped from another circus in 2010.  Such public safety hazards are frequent in traveling circuses.
  • Monkeys living in tiny cages in the back of a camper; forced to wear costumes, collars and leashes and perform tricks.
  • Bengal tigers and African lions spending approximately 22 hours a day in cages on the backs of trucks that allow on a few paces to exercise.

If passed, TEAPA would see the US join almost 30 diverse countries that have already passed similar legislation including Austria, Belgium, Greece, India, Bolivia, Colombia and Panama.  Others, including Great Britain, Brazil and Mexico, are currently considering legislation.

Supporters of the Bill include:

Philanthropist and legendary TV host of The Price Is Right Bob Barker: “Americans are becoming increasingly aware that circus animals suffer from violent training techniques and severe confinement. Big, wild animals should not be part of the traveling circus and simply put, animal acts in circuses are antiquated and belong in the past, in a time when humans were not as aware of the needs of the other species that share our planet.“

CSI actress Jorja Fox, known to 73 million viewers as CSI’s Sara Sidle: Congress has a responsibility to protect the welfare of animals and ensure public safety. A prohibition on the use of exotic and wild animals in traveling circuses is proportionate, responsible, the least expensive solution to this problem, and long overdue.  We call on Congress to bring to an end, once and for all, the abuse and suffering that has been exposed by ADI time and time again.”




  1. Judy Flanagan · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Save all elephants from submission, humiliation, and torture. Thank you.

    1. danielle rubens · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a


    2. Linda W. Seely · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

      so much wildlife is abused and should not be used for entertainment to make big bucks for the circuses and sides show. they need to stay in their habitat. we are their only voice. let them enjoy life and not be used any longer.

    3. jill minerly · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a


    4. Ricky · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

      Let all animals go live a happy life!

  2. Tera · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please…please stop the cruelty. Give the animals a chance for love and freedom.

  3. David L. Kaliner · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    The Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA) is a bill that I strongly support. Representative Jim Moran (from Virginia’s 8th congressional district) should be applauded for introducing such important legislation. According to animal rights advocate and actress Jorja Fox, “Congress has a responsibility to protect the welfare of animals and ensure public safety. A prohibition on the use of exotic and wild animals in traveling circuses is proportionate, responsible, the least expensive solution to this problem, and long overdue.”

    1. dawn elson · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

      Brilliantly put

  4. Paola Sánchez · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please stop animal abuse!! Animals feel as much as humans do! We are NOT superior to any other specie, please we need to be humble!!

    1. Lorraine Greyvenstein · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

      I agree animal species are sentient like the human species they feel physical and psychological pain.

  5. Wes Auberry · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    We must stop this barbaric and inhumane torture! A circus does NOT need animals to be entertaining, that’s what clowns are for!!

  6. Kim · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Several Country’s have banned animals from the circus.. its time the U.S.take a stand and stop the suffering and abuse of animals.

    Please be a hero and save Gods creatures.

    1. Ricky · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

      HELP save all gods beautiful creatures!

  7. Sally Shumsky · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please stop animal abuse! This is unacceptable! They feel pain and suffering just like humans. We are their voice. Please be their voice to.

  8. Evelyn Ford · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    The abuse of circus animals have gone on too long.Plese outlaw the use of Animals in circuses and the keeping of animals by circuses they need to go to Sancturies for animals where they can be free to live in nature

  9. Catharina Koper · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    A circus does not need animals… Stop this animal abuse and cruelty now!!!!

  10. Bambi Harrison · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please end ALL forms of animal abuse now – captivity & cruelty in the name of human entertainment. We are better than this – we KNOW better than this. Thank you!

  11. Juanita navarro · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Animals are not slave are beautiful creatures that God create not for us to abuse and kill all animals need to be free we don’t have any right to cage then and use for money or pleasure.

  12. Dianne Turner · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Banning exotic animals in circuses will mean an end to a lot of dodgy operators who shouldn’t hacve a licence! Circus animals suffer unimaginable cruelty; chains, whips, bull-hooks etc: not to mention starving, thirst, stress and terror. BAN ALL EXOTIC ANIMALS FROM CIRCUSES-NOW!

  13. Cathy Carrillo · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please stop this endless suffering & cruelty! These animals lives are an constant horror. Imagine the misery they are forced to endure! They have no life, only one forced upon them by abusive humans. Please, with the goodness in your heart, be their voice, stand up & stop this. Thank you!

  14. Carmen Nelson · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    It needs to stop. All this cruelty to animals needs to stop!!!!

  15. Mrs Sally White · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    This should not be happening to our precious animals and this sort of treatment has got to stop.

  16. Avril · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Totally beyond comprehension that fellow creatures can be treated like this – laughed at, beaten and abused for the supposed entertainment of others. Let the US join the multitude of other countries that are waking up to the light.

  17. Jill Vangel · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Thank you to all who have help in this cause.

  18. Paula Ilona · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Stop all use of animals in circuses!! . Stop all animals cruelty and abuse!!

  19. paul · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    We have Zero right to treat any animal with the kind of abuse that is going on in circuses. . How about treating these people with the same abuse ..

  20. Kristine Niemeyer · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    I can’t donate at this time due to unemployment. I urge extremely to please free the circus Tiger and any animals!!! It is pure cruelty to have these animals, beautiful creatures that belong in the wild in cages! STOP THIS NOW!!!! I PLEAD AND PRAY FOR THIS TO STOP!!! Sincerely, Kristine S. Niemeyer

  21. katie · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    this has to stop countries are slowly realising where theyare f up e g china whaleing please follow others doing good and keep these animals where they should be and NOT IN A CIRCUS BOX there the ones that should be in a box ten foot down

  22. Judy Maxwell · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    We have to stop this torturous abuse of animals. Elephants. Their whole lives are stolen from them by traveling circuses! They are constantly abused. Traveling in tight box cars. Constantly chained. Beaten with a weapon known as a bull hook. This must end!!

    1. melanie waggett · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

      YES!!!! It’s about time this country did the right thing. God bless Congressman Moran.

  23. m visser · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    stop abusing the poor animals they dont belong in zoos or circusses

  24. sheron chiasson · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    It’s long due…stop animal abuse now!

  25. Kat · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    It is such a good feeling to know that this bill has been introduced and attention has been brought to the plight of circus animals, especially that any countries are involved. I pray that the next project for multiple countries will be to stop the killing of animals for fur. I just saw a video of a China fur farm. It was so disturbing I almost became sick. I am so glad that animal cruelty is finally getting the attention it deserves.

  26. Evelyn Harley · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Wonderful news, abuse only continues because people stay silent and enable the abuser. politicians are afraid to lose voters if they stand up for animals so Jim Moran you are a brave man and a true hero thank you for protecting the innocent animals sir.

  27. Liseth Rodriguez · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Animals do not belong in circus. I always hated the circus since I was a little girl and I still do.

  28. Cheryl Jones · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please end this abuse!

  29. Glynis Martin · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    If a progressive country like the US outlaws circus cruelty it will open the door for other countries to follow suit.

  30. Danielle McRae · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    It is time we stop using these beautiful animals for entertainment..that is not what they are on this Earth for.

  31. Jeff Alterman · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    It is time for circuses to discontinue the use of wild animals for their shows. Circuses are not able to provide the correct living conditions for these animals and there are too many risks involved. It isn’t like the late 19th century when the only chance people had to see wild animals was to go to a circus. Now there are zoos that exhibit the animals under conditions suitable for them and the zoos are able to take precautions to make sure that the animals are in an environment where there is generally no risk of the public getting harmed by a dangerous animal such as a large carnivore.

  32. Jess · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a


  33. Cheryl Conley · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    What great news!!

  34. Debbie Sherman · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    This has been a travesity for all of these magnificent lovely many very sensitive all intelligent creatures for far to long. The right thing must be done and the right thing is not having these wonderful animals in such a tormented abusive way. Never ever should man have done this. They did so NOW cease all of the animals being in cicuses. I care deeply I find it appalling and so heartbreaking knowing the hell they are put in. Please do the right humane thing. Never again. Thank you Deborah Sherman

  35. Carolyn · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    I have never been to a circus! I hate the way they mistreat animals! I pray that this bill passes!

  36. Sierra LaBranche · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Animals belong in the wild, not in cages. How would yo like to be whipped and put in small areas for most of the day. If they need help you could could get a rescue like Big Cat Rescue in Tampa,Fl.

  37. Marie Hale · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    I hate to see animals treated so cruelly. I do not and will not support zoos or circuses or any venues where animals are mistreated.

  38. Claudia Gaballo · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    It needs to stop. All this cruelty to animals needs to stop!!!!

  39. sylvia · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please stop the cruelty!

  40. Vivianne · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    I went to zoos and circuses as a child. Little did I know that the beautiful animals in these places were being abused and maltreated. Please help STOP THIS CRUELTY. ANIMALS DESERVE TO BE FREE AND LIVE THEIR LIVES AS THEY WERE CREATED TO BE. Animals can feel pain and loss. They can feel the torment and hurt that they suffer at the hands of their handlers and trainers. Please help STOP THIS ABUSE. Animals do not belong in a circus.

  41. Tami dipirro · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please don’t allow this to pass. Animals don’t belong in circuses. We need to stop this cruelty now..

  42. Emily · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    So happy to see changes happening for our world’s animals. With declining populations of many of the “exotic” wild animals in the nature, treating them with more respect and compassion can guarantee a bright future for them. Please stop the cruelty and injustice. Please consider how you would like to be treated if you were in their situation.

    We can all learn and appreciate wildlife in a way that is in harmony with nature. End the injustice of wildlife in circuses!

  43. Diane murphy · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please Remove all Animals From The Circus,,,They Deserve Freedom Now,,Give it to Them,,,Thank You,,,

  44. Betty Lewis · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    No animals should be subjected to this horrible and cruel treatment. Stop the circus and let the animals go.

  45. Diane murphy · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please Ban all animals from the circus, They are suffering being beaten starved to do tricks by their trainers ,,,Please stop their Agony and pain, They cry out for help,, and no one cares or hears them,,,Free Them now,,,Thank You,,,
    Diane Murphy,

  46. Marlene · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    I submitted the petition to my congressman in Florida! STOP THE ABUSE!

  47. valerie flet · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    please consider these magnificent exotic animals there misery day after day denied the most simple things in life . give them back there famileys please put this right and end what we have taken from the wild. thank you sir.

  48. Maddalena Visser · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    It makes me so sad, already from a young age I realized how this could be nothing but wrong and how can the witnessing of these animals in pain make circusses a fun experience

  49. Mick · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    My heart is broken knowing these great majestic creatures are being tortured because of mans greed. God has to be sad knowing he gave us dominion over the animals, to care for them, not beat, starve, and cage them. There will be great punishment for all who have mistreated the animals. Thank you Jim Moran. We should all ban together and write letters to help. We should also boycott the circus and it’s sponsors, which include Chick-fil-A.

  50. Christa · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Angels taking care of the ones who can not speak up.

  51. Mary Wyman · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    No more wild animals taken into captivity to perform in circuses, rodeos, zoos, etc. Wild animals belong in the wild, not in a place where they get cruel and abusive treatment!

  52. Deborah Hughes · 30 April 2014 at 8:00a

    Please stop using animals for entertainment. We abuse them enough !!!

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